Rising of Raziel
                                      Quantum Biofeedback Energetic Medicine System

“I know divinity resides within us.  With mindfullness intellect and goal oriented creativity we connect to the Source of all Knowledge“

Quantum Biofeedback system is consist of a hardware working with a periodically updated computer software containing more than twelve thousands biological frequencies even having alchemical effects. System designed to be attain ultimate healthy state of mind & body & spirit of an individual. Device’s name comes from "Raziel"; angelic name esoterically represents “Knowing the sacred knowledge of entire universe”

Raziel is designed according to quantum physics principles and have utmost advanced technology which is called “Quantum Biofeedback” based on Bioresonance and quantum technology. However, as "digital gnosis of new age” includes all esoteric healing techniques which belongs to Ancient Egypt.In other words, device can be identify computerized shaman healer by receiving & transmitting information multidimensionally to get healing, transformation and higher awareness. By making the unconscious conscious, it allows to bring an open minded person closer to higher self.

Raziel measures a persons datas from electromagnetic energy field then fixes all abnormal and aberrant signals.  Natural healing process on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of human body starts by using electroceuticals (biological frequencies). This consciousness interface system directly affects human psyche. Such that, analyzing and monitorizing subconscious emotional state of an individual is take 4 minutes...Moreover, that allows you to activating and stimulating blueprint of DNA, reprograming karma, treating subconscious emotional traumas or blockages, clearing past life affects, birth defects, and genetic tendencies, correction of ancestral transmissions.

This only requires string along with nature of change.”

Device is proven and registered to make children and people smarter, more stamina, stronger, more aware of self. It enhances their intellect, mental powers, learning abilities, meditative and imaginative abilities by stabilizing utilization of brain hemispheres.

This is especially concerned correction of children's DNA for the future of this planet.
If genetically transmitted factors and inherited disorders are disabled, all potential diseases, mental illnesses, conflicts and suffering have been prevented for the new generations.

DNA reserves sacred knowledge of all ages and universes as algorithmic frequency codes. By stimulating the blueprint of DNA, unrealistic or imposed beliefs resolves and children examine the belief systems, re-establish physical, emotional or spiritual connection, realize true self, reclaim the right to know and to learn with Raziel . In this regard it becomes possible to contribute transfiguration of a new life form in a higher consciousness level.




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